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Email Templates
Save Campaign Template Design Changes
Save Campaign Template Design Changes

Understanding our streamlined workflow

Amanda Payne avatar
Written by Amanda Payne
Updated over a week ago

We spend a lot of time rethinking the user experience. How can we help the user (qua you) get from A to B with the fewest jumps, hurdles, and interruptions?

Along that journey, we've made some workflow changes. Maybe you noticed. Here's one example: we minimized the number of times you have to click a Save button.

tinyEmail user experience

After you create or edit a campaign, you simply click Continue. That button saves your work and gets you to the next page. Now, you're ready to select an audience and schedule a campaign.

tinyemail easy user experience

Simple navigation

On the Schedule page, you can preview your template. Need to make a change? Click the Design tab at the top of the page. Presto, you're back inside the template editor.

click the Design tab to change pages in the email workflow

Well, here's a Save button

It's not necessary to start and finish building a campaign in one go. You can save your work and return it later. Sounds like an ideal time for a Save button. To pause everything, click the X icon in the top left corner of a page. Click Yes, save in the popup window.

tinyemail edit campaign template

Template version control

This handy tool lets you go back in time (oh, I wish). Click the clock icon to display a list of older template versions. If necessary, click the Restore to revert to a previous design.

check email emplate history and restore an older version

Editing on the template page

There's another way to edit a template and save changes. You start on the Templates page instead of a campaign. Locate a template and click Edit.

tinyEmail auto-saves the changes you make inside this environment. Next time you open the Email Templates page and select that template for a campaign, all your modifications are there.

edit tinyemail templates

That's it.

Designing a tinyEmail campaign just got a whole easier.

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